By Jim Cheney for

Mantyla at Polymath Park

Now that it's 2019, you might be thinking about what to do in Pennsylvania in the coming year. Fortunately, there are a ton of new exhibits, re-openings and other special attractions all around the state to keep you busy throughout the year. Here are a few of the best things happening in Pa. in 2019. 

Opening of a new Frank Lloyd Wright Home at Polymath Park

Located in southwestern Pennsylvania, Polymath Park is already home to a Frank Lloyd Wright house, the Duncan House, as well as two homes built by his apprentices. However, in 2019, another Wright home will open on the property: the R.W. Lindholm House, also known as Mäntylä. The home was originally built in Cloquet, Minnesota, but will have a new life and be open for tours at Polymath Park. 

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