Annual Digital Deals Pass

Do you have special coupons or offers to promote throughout the year?

Share your discounts and deals by signing up for our digital deals pass. Add coupons all year; seasonal coupons/deals are encouraged. Digital coupons will be available on the website and on our GO LH app under the popular ‘Deals’ section. Deals will also be promoted at travel shows in key markets that may include New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Lancaster and distributed to lodging partners.

Offers may also be included in social media campaigns for additional exposure at the discretion of our marketing team. Coupons must be redeemable in 2025.
There is no coupon limit.

Cost: $195

To reserve your spot click here 


Contact our Director of Partnership Development, Kelli Brisbane | | 724.238.5661 x110