Tourism Statistics

Economic Impact of Pennsylvania's Travel and Tourism Industry report demonstrates the vital importance of the travel industry to Pennsylvania's economy and summarizes visitor spending, employment and earnings derived from traveler spending, the contribution of the travel industry to Pennsylvania's gross state product, and tax receipts derived from traveler spending.

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The Pennsylvania Tourism Office and Tourism Economics worked together to produce the economic impact of travel and tourism report starting in 2009.

Below is a summary of the 2019 results:

  • Commonwealth hosted 211.4 million domestic and international travelers, a 1.6% increase over 2018
  • Total Visitor Spending: $46 billion, a 2.8% increase over 2018
  • Total Jobs Supported: 521,073
  • State and Local Tax Revenues: $4.8 billion
    • Equivalent to $950 in tax savings per Pennsylvania household
  • Federal Tax Revenues: $5.2 billion

The results for the Laurel Highlands in 2019 are as follows:

  • Travelers spent more than $1.92 billion in the Laurel Highlands region, a new record high and the fastest rate of growth for the region since 2011
  • Total Jobs Supported: 15,185
  • $272.3 million spent in overnight lodging
  • $329.5 million on shopping
  • $359.7 million spent on recreation
  • $446.1 million on food and beverage

The 2011 Annual Travel Profile done by Longwoods International showed the following for the Laurel Highlands:

  • 2.6 million overnight trips
  • 4.2 million day trips
  • 62% of overnight and day trips find it important to access our region by car
  • Top factors for visiting the area: affordable attractions/events, unique or local food and cuisine, and lots of historic things to see or experience.

For more tourism statistics and research information, go to the VisitPA website.