Flight 93 National Memorial, May 15, 2023, | Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial, the official non-profit partner to the National Park Service at Flight 93 National Memorial announces their commitment to educating current and future generations about the events of September 11, 2001. “We believe we have a responsibility to teach the story of the heroic actions of the passenger and crew of Flight 93, as well as the greater context of the events of the day” said Fred Lukachinsky, Friends Board President.  

This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks on America. Since that time over seventy-five million Americans have been born with no living memory of that day in history. Sadly, only 14 US states require 9/11 classroom curriculum or a moment of silence in honor of the lives lost. Friends and National Park Service staff are pro-actively engaging this new generation.  

We have learned from educators, teaching the events of 9/11 can be challenging. Teachers either have no living memory of the day or find it difficult and overwhelming to find reliable resources for curriculum development. To help educators overcome these challenges, Friends are working in partnership with the National Park Service to create a National Day of Learning entitled, “Teach to Remember.” 

“This is a project Friends are honored to sponsor. The National Park Service education team will be offering a full day of programming focused on students in grades 6-12. Curriculum will range from the greater context of the three attack sites, to the specifics events that occurred in Shanksville, Pa. The Moment of Remembrance will be live streamed from the Memorial, as well as live interaction with interpretive rangers” said Donna Gibson Executive Director, Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial.  

The Teach to Remember curriculum will also feature an opportunity for students across the nation to share their writing in response to prompts about Flight 93 and 9/11. Friends and National Park Service in collaboration with the National Writing Project will challenge students to publish from their perspective in response to the National Day of Learning. This “write to Remember” activity is intended for schools, libraries, and home schools to share how Flight 93 story continues to inspire people. 

“Friends and Park officials developed the National Day of Learning to connect with the next generation in a meaningful way,” says Gibson. Each year through an education scholarship, we partner with the National Park Service to offer ranger guided on-site educational programming for grades 4-12. In 2022, we jointly hosted over 10,000 students from all over Pennsylvania. In 2023, we want to expand beyond Pennsylvania and offer global programming.  

The National Day of LearningTeach to Remember will be hosted by Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial through Zoom. Additional information about registration will be added to Friends of Flight 93 website and resources for teachers will be added to the National Park Service website over the next several weeks/months.    



Established in 2009, Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial is the official nonprofit partner of Flight 93 National Memorial. As Friends of Flight 93, we welcome worldwide all who would join us in honoring the sacrifice and courage of the passengers and crew of Flight 93 by supporting the mission of the Flight 93 National Memorial with volunteers, resources, and civic engagement, so as to inspire all who visit with the Flight 93 story. Visit www.flight93friends.org to learn more about the Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial.