Hobgoblin Hikes to be held at Cedar Creek and Twin Lakes Parks in 2023

The haunted Hobgoblin Hikes are almost here! The only free events of their kind in our area, these haunted walks are sponsored by Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation. The Hobgoblin Hikes alternate between four regional parks every year; in 2023, Hobgoblin Hikes will be offered only at Cedar Creek Park on Saturday, October 21, and at Twin Lakes Park on Saturday, October 28. Hikes run continuously from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. rain or shine, and will only be cancelled due to dangerous and severe weather.

Recommended for ages eight and over, the Hobgoblin Hikes are half-mile guided outdoor walks through the haunted woods of the park.  Visitors can expect to be led through tunnels and cemeteries, and past more than 100 zombies, ghosts, and monsters. No two Hobgoblin Hikes are exactly the same and each park has unique haunted scenes.

The Hobgoblin Hikes are a safe family alternative to conventional trick-or-treating. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children.  While no treats will be distributed, visitors are still welcome to dress in costume. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated! 

Volunteers ages 15 and over are needed to serve as trail guides or work at scare stations. There will be a volunteer meeting the Tuesday before each hike. Limited costumes and props will be available for loan. Please call (724) 830-3968 or email cchrisma@co.westmoreland.pa.us if you wish to volunteer your talents – group participation is highly encouraged!

Cedar Creek Park is located ¼-mile north of I-70 on State Route 51 in Rostraver Township. Twin Lakes Park is located just east of Greensburg and is accessible via Donohoe Road from Route 30.

For more info, please call Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation at (724) 830-3950 or visit our website at www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/parks.