We can all feel spring in the air. This warmer weather, plus shaking off quarantine-cabin-fever, has me ready to start gardening for the first time in my life. Whether you are a complete novice like me, or an experienced Master Gardener like many of the volunteers at our local historic and cultural sites, this month’s episode is all about getting back outdoors with plants, events, and entertainment.

Our two guests on Heritage Happenings this month were Melissa Reckner, Program Manager at Penguin Court, and Theresa Gay-Rohall, Executive Director of the Compass Inn Museum and Ligonier Valley Historical Society. We started off the show by covering all the details for their second annual Native Plant Sale, put on by both organizations. The main takeaway? If you are at all interested in purchasing native plants, order EARLY. They are running out fast!

We then pivot to Melissa and Penguin Court’s specific plans for the immediate future. This organization hosts some of the most interesting virtual education sessions around, including a deep dive into our native Westmoreland County bobcat population! You can check out all of their upcoming programs at https://www.brandywine.org/conservancy/events.

And finally, we end the episode by returning to Theresa and Compass Inn Museum’s programs for the spring and summer months. There will be NO shortage of events to attend at Compass Inn (I personally am looking forward to the blacksmith demonstrations!) and with gradually lifting restrictions, it promises to be a season MUCH better than 2020. Don’t miss their opening weekend, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., May 1. 


And we end the episode with a word from our sponsor, Saint Vincent College, about the latest winners of their annual Wimmer Scholarship competition.

Listen to the full episode online or wherever you get your podcasts. Plus, be sure to support all of our local Westmoreland County historic and cultural sites by checking out westmorelandheritage.org. Happy listening!